About Victoria Chan
I grew up in Singapore, but came to Oxfordshire in the UK, in 2004 for work. These days I work part-time as a web developer, and look after my 2 young children the other part of the time. In the evening, when the stars come out and kids are in bed, I play in my dining table studio.
How I started drawing
I've only recently started drawing again in 2017 on a random whim. I had thought I needed a new hobby to counter all that consuming concerns of motherhood. Creating art did indeed enrich my life and has now become part of my family.
I am an obsessive learner. Artistically, I am still at the stage of exploring. Every now and then, something inspires me, and I dive into it deep, doing research, conducting experiments and learning all I can about the technique or material.
My obsessions may seem a bit random at times. But I know these 'diversions' contribute to my unique experience, and someday they will all come together as a big beautiful amalgamation.
About my studio
My studio is the dining table. This has its good side as I don't leave mess around and have to clear everything out at least once a day. So don't let the lack of space stop you from creating art!
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